Registration opens February 28 at 12PM
This half-day program is exclusively for EXPERIENCED track drivers looking to take their lapping to the next level. Our instructor team will work with participants in a small group setting (3:1) to enhance their driving skills and improve lap times. This course is held entirely on-track. Instructors will provide live feedback in Lead/Follow-Follow/Lead situations, as well as private and group off-track instruction/observations, all with the intent of creating personalized improvements designed for each driver and their unique skillset.
Arrival 9:00am
Course 9:30am-2:30pm
Course Highlights:
– Trail Braking
– Left Foot Braking
– Individualized Performance Improvements
– Tire discussions including tread wear, tire pressures and temperatures
– 4 sessions of full track lapping
– Trail Braking
– Left Foot Braking
– Individualized Performance Improvements
– Tire discussions including tread wear, tire pressures and temperatures
– 4 sessions of full track lapping
Course time length: Half-day
Participants per class: 12
Participants per class: 12
*prerequisites apply for this program